Aaron Brower


Aaron Brower is interim chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Colleges and the University of Wisconsin-Extension. He formerly served as UW-Extension interim provost and vice chancellor and as special assistant to the UW System president for new educational strategies, through which he led the creation of the UW Flexible Option. He previously served as vice provost for teaching and learning at UW-Madison, where he oversaw undergraduate curricula and programming. He also holds appointments as professor in the School of Social Work, Integrated Liberal Studies, and Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at UW-Madison.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Flexible Option: A Direct-Assessment Competency-Based Education Model
    • Article
    • Author

    Although the need for more college degrees among the U.S. population is widely acknowledged, meeting that demand in the face of dramatically increased higher education costs, decreased state funding, and increasingly varied student demographics is a huge challenge.

EDUCAUSE Presentations