Alen Davoudian
Alen Davoudian is a Senior Information Systems Analyst and Accessibility Consultant for the Universal Design Center (UDC) at California State University, Northridge. In the recent years, his principle area of research and development has been web content accessibility and usability to overcome challenges in creating accessible web content. Alen works with web developers and directors to re-design, customize and develop accessible coding methodologies. He provides consultation and expertise to CSU Chancellor's Office, Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) and accessibility coordinators and experts at CSU Campuses. As the campus accessibility expert Alen is regularly conducting research, development and training for CSUN and CSU system. He helps and guides campus entities, directors and working groups in developing and implementing procedures to ensure accessibility in all aspects of web, document, product and development cycle. Alen received his BS in Computer Science from University of Esfahan, and his MS in Information Systems from California State University, Los Angeles.
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