Aletia Morgan
Since 2016, Aletia Morgan has been Institutional Data Manager at the University of Delaware. In this role, she works primarily with the IT Security and Policy organiation to implement and shape data governance programs across campus. She also works with campus researchers and the UD Library to support Data Management and security needs. In 2010 she joined Rutgers University, working with the Vice Present for Research and Graduate Education and the Rutgers University Libraries. She was responsible for developing and enhancing library data management and repository services to support recent Research Data Management funder requirements. From 1999-2010 she was the Information Technology Director for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Iowa. She has participated in a number of key university initiatives, including the Information Technology Job Description Review Team, the UI Xythos Filespace initiative, the IT Policy Review Team, the Mobile Device Security Review Team, and the UI Wireless Advisory Committee. The CLAS IT Group has worked closely with the university's central ITS organization to shape and support such initiatives as the campus Active Directory deployment, and is currently finalizing a college-wide implementation of the Microsoft System Mangement Server environment for workstation management. The CLAS IT Grup has also recently undergone a complete internal and external review, and is in the process of creating a new strategic plan to reflect an expanded vision for the team. Aletia joined the University of Iowa in 1999, following twelve years as a Systems Engineer with IBM, and six years as a district Technology Manager in K-12 education. She holds an M.B.A. in Management Information Systems from Vanderbilt University, as well as a BA in Psychology from Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, PA. From 2007 - 2009 she served EDUCAUSE as the co-leader of the Distributed Technology Support (DTS) Constituent Group.
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EDUCAUSE Involvement
Midwest Regional Conference 2011 Program Committee
Community Group Leaders