Alex Chapin


Alex Chapin is the Executive Director of Academic Technologies at UNC Charlotte. He is the author of iSpeak, a series of phrasebooks and language study products for mobile devices published by McGraw-Hill. He is one of the co-designers of the Course Hub, a meta-platform that interfaces with academic administrative systems to generate basic course sites that include functionality for connecting to other platforms such as Moodle, WordPress and Docutek eRes. He was the Principal Investigator of Segue, an open source curricular content management system that received a Mellon Award for Technology Collaboration in 2007 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. His team worked closely with the MIT Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K.I.) to implement the O.K.I. open service interface definitions (OSIDs) in PHP which are an integral part in the Harmoni application framework used in Segue v2, as well as in Middlebury College's Course Catalog web interface.

EDUCAUSE Presentations