Amy Mangrich is an Instructional Design Consultant at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Learning Technology Center (LTC). Amy is also an experienced instructor, having taught technology-enhanced, blended, and online courses at UWM. In 2010-2011, she was the recipient of the prestigious Wisconsin Teaching Fellowship. Currently, Amy manages a pilot program examining the effective use of synchronous collaboration tools in online and blended courses. In addition, she recently received a grant to study the impact of digital storytelling and ePortfolio on student performance. Amy regularly facilitates faculty development programs on blended and online course redesign. Most recently at Hunter College in New York, Coastal Bend College in Texas, Simmons College in Boston, Northern Illinois University, Maryville University in St. Louis, and at the First Annual International Conference on e-Learning, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Amy has her terminal degree in Visual Art from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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