Anne joined the University of Sheffield as the Director of Library Services & University Librarian in March 2015. She moved from Australia to take up the role, where she held the post of University Librarian and Executive Director Academic Support at Deakin University. In both posts she has set the strategic vision for the Library, most recently leading the development of the University of Sheffield Library’s new Strategic Plan, Our Library. Our Information Future.
Anne provides high level advice to the University’s Executive Board in relation to library and information services and wider information policy and scholarly communication matters.
Internationally, Anne is President of the International Association of University Libraries; a member of the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) Standing Committee for Library Buildings and Equipment, and a member of The Association of Commonwealth Universities RKI Community Steering Committee. Nationally, Anne is a member of RLUK and SCONUL and represents the HE Library sector on the JISC Library Services Advisory Group. In 2017 she also chaired the Universities UK Open Access Repositories Working Group recommending actions for HEI libraries, publishers and funders to advance the transition to OA. Locally, she is on the Advisory Panel for the University of Sheffield Information School and White Rose University Libraries Executive Board. Anne has published and presented on library services for a digital age, designing spaces, leadership and change management, information and digital literacy (IDL), and libraries influencing student success.