Ari Bader-Natal


Ari Bader-Natal serves as Chief Technology Officer for Calbright College, a newly-launched California Community College that focuses on increasing economic mobility for working adults who lack easy access to traditional forms of higher education. Ari leads technology and R&D teams supporting Calbright’s programs, which are built on a flexible competency-based education model. Prior to Calbright, Ari served as Chief Learning Scientist at Minerva Project, where he led early product development work resulting in several foundational Minerva technologies. Ari was the first inventor of six U.S. patents and a contributing author on "Building the Intentional University" (MIT Press, 2017.) Ari previously served as the Chief Learning Architect at Grockit, an educational technology startup, where he developed the company's core technologies in social learning, adaptive assessment, and learning analytics. Ari holds a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Brandeis University. 

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