Art Fridrich
Art Fridrich is currently a Senior ERP Optimization Executive with CampusWorks Inc.
His last role in higher education was with Virginia State University, where he was the institution's first Director of Distance Education. In that role, he was charged with developing the physical and personal infrastructure required to deliver quality online classes and programs by the University. He has also served on two State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and one Association of Public and Land-grant Universities task forces, as a reviewer for Educause Review Online and a program committee member for Educause's MARC.
Previously, Art was the Director of Strategic Management Services at Virginia State University. Among his involvements were the development of policies to be considered by the University's IT Governance structure, management of the IT portfolio, strategic planning, assessing emerging technologies for their potential applicability in higher education and other duties as assigned by the CIO.
Prior to joining VSU, Art was a Manager at BearingPoint. In this capacity, Art researched technology, analyzed current trends in the Higher Education market, and teamed with clients in the definition, acquisition, implmentation and support of technologies that complement institutional priorities. He also participated in the assessment of organizational units within the University, including Information Technology and Student Services.
Before joining BearingPoint, Art served as the Acting Assistant Vice-President, Information Technology, for the University of Maryland University College. In this position, Art was a member of a team that was organized to implement, enhance, and support the administrative systems used by the entire university community, whether it be Students, Faculty and/or Administrators. During his tenure, Art reduced the institution's reliance on consultants by building a self supported organization. Additionally, Art and his team established a Testing group within the department to improve the stability of systems rolled out to the user community, as well as to maintain the quality and integrity of data housed within these systems.
Prior to joining UMUC in April of 2006, he was a Managing Principal with CedarCrestone Consulting for nearly eight years. During his tenure with CedarCrestone, Art managed client relationships and projects, participated in TQM assessments, helped in assessing the readiness of institutions for undertaking major technology projects, and helped in the 360 degree reviews of technology organizations and their effectiveness.
Other organizations that Art has been affiliated with during his career include: Cleveland State University's Office of Institutional Research; Gerogetown University's Registrar's Office; Information Associates; TSI at Virginia State University; TSI at Gannon University; TSI at Antioch University; and Datatel.
EDUCAUSE Presentations
EDUCAUSE Involvement
EDUCAUSE Connect 2014 Career Counselors Committee
EDUCAUSE Review Online Reviewers
Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2013 Program Committee