Beth DuPont
Beth Du Pont is the Director of Academic Technologies at Skidmore College, a distinctive liberal arts college located in beautiful Saratoga Springs, New York. Beth oversees the instructional technology staff as they inspire, instruct, and support the faculty, staff and students of the college. A major focus of her role is to interface with faculty and promote effective uses of technology in the curriculum. Beth earned a master's degree in Instructional Design and Technology from The Ohio State University's department of Educational Policy and Leadership.EDUCAUSE Presentations
EDUCAUSE | ECAR Primary Representative |
EDUCAUSE Involvement
Horizon Expert Panel - TL
ELI 2018 Annual Meeting Program Committee
NERCOMP 2012 Program Committee
NERCOMP 2011 Program Committee
NERCOMP Annual Conference Program Committee
NERCOMP 2010 Program Committee
NERCOMP 2009 Program Committee
NERCOMP 2008 Program Committee
NERCOMP 2007 Program Committee