Carlos Guevara
An innate leader and visionary, born in Ecuador, Carlos holds a BS and Master degrees in Computer Science from CUNY & NYU and is currently pursuing his doctorate degree in Instructional Technology at Columbia University. Carlos is currently the Director of Educational Technology and Center for Teaching and Learning at Hostos Community College - CUNY. His research interests are in organizational change and innovative approaches to professional development and technology adoption. Carlos is a usual speaker at national and international conferences in the academic technology and higher education fields.
Carlos is the co-founder and President of Organizacion Juventud Ecuatoriana and is proud to be the pioneer in establishing the First Scholarship Fund for Ecuadorians in the US, and have created several initiatives and activities to empower the Ecuadorian and Hispanic community.
Coming from a humble background, and facing many challenges to accomplish his goals, Carlos is convinced that the secrets for success are persistence, humbleness, creativity, and always setting the next goal in life and career.
His favorite phrase:
"I am convinced that the secrets for success are persistence, humbleness, creativity, and always setting the next goal in your life and career." - CG.
EDUCAUSE Presentations
EDUCAUSE Involvement
Horizon Expert Panel - TL
Digital Learning Strategy WG