Steve Knode


Currently engaged in an academic career, Dr.Steve Knode is a retired Air Force officer who served twenty years in the USAF in a variety of analytical and decision making positions. He was an intercontinental missile crew commander, a tactical operations planner at major command headquarters, and served in Plans and Programs in the Pentagon. He obtained his PhD at Syracuse University in the area of Operations Research Management and also possesses an MS in Industrial Management from the University of North Dakota as well as BS in Mathematics from Duke University.  He has an extensive background in data analytics, artificial intelligence, emerging technologies, intelligent agents, virtual reality, decision support systems, quantitative methods and decision making. He has published and presented papers in several areas, relating emerging technologies to decision making and problem solving.  He has lectured at conferences such as AFCEA, ASCUE, EIBT and INFORMS in the emerging technologies areas. Further, he has developed courses in several emerging technology disciplines. Currently, he is involved in the teaching, development, and consulting in the areas of Data Analytics and other emerging technologies.  He is a member of INFORMS and AAII.

EDUCAUSE Presentations