Chris Wessells


Technology Strategist/CIO with a passion for building a strategic vision and providing solutions that foster digital transformation of higher education institutions. Track record leading transformation of campus IT infrastructures, enterprise systems, services and IT staff performance. Understanding that that clear communication and working collaboratively instills confidence among peers, faculty, students, and executive leaders. Enjoy the intellectual challenges of advancing exceptional teaching, learning, research, and administrative efficiency in academia.

Career Path:

Dell Technologies - Sr. Higher Education Strategist. 3 years 9 months. 

University of San Diego - Vice Provost & CIO. 12 years, 9 months.

University of Rhode Ilsand - Interim CIO & Dean of Libraries. 7 years.

Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education - Special Assistant/IT Coordinator. 10 years.

Prior to his work in higher education, Chris worked as a developer on various applications programming projects for engineering firms and global banking enterprises. He holds an MS degree from Montana State University and BS degree from the University of California at Davis.

EDUCAUSE Presentations