Corey Ray
Corey has managed numerous enterprise level implementation projects including upgrades and migrations to LMS and Lecture Capture solutions as well as Personal Response Systems (clickers). His primary interest revolves around identifying new solutions for enhancing the teaching and learning environment and working to stimulate the sharing of this knowledge as well as experiences between all institutions of higher learning. He also works closely with solution providers to help shape roadmaps by fostering direct engagement with engineers and development teams to best meet the needs of faculty and students. Corey's initial experience into online learning began while completing his MA in Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at the University of Stellenbosh (South Africa) where he was on a team that created the first fully online course on the Ancient Near East. He has been an adjunct instructor at Rhodes College (TN), the University of Memphis (TN), and Wichita State. At the University of Memphis, he worked in a group that researched innovative technology solutions for the classroom (F2F/Online) as well as provided support for online courses including training and system administration. Most recently, at Wichita State, Corey's role was managing the Instructional Technology staff of Educational Technologists and their continued growth and evolution to be focused on faculty development and quality course design as the department transitions formally into the Instructional Design & Technology department. His current role is managing multiple enterprise implementations geared around the campus LMS (Blackboard). Corey’s university level teaching experience includes: Introduction to Ancient Egypt (online and face-2-face), History to 1500 (online) and Introduction to University (blended).EDUCAUSE Presentations
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