Cynthia Desrochers
Cynthia Desrochers, Professor of Education, California State University (CSU) Northridge, and Consultant in Teaching and Learning, CSU System Cynthia has over 35 years of experience in education, including 23 years in public higher education as both administrator and teacher. Former founding director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at CSU Northridge (1996-2005), she is currently the Faculty Development lead in a FIPSE project that will develop and test nearly a hundred digital case stories to provide discipline-oriented exemplars for use in faculty development workshops. The case stories will also link to sample learning resources and can be accessed online through participating digital repositories. Cynthias fields of study include adult learning, supervision, and organizational change, and she has written extensively on these topics. She is a Distinguished Teaching Award recipient and has conducted workshops in 27 states and internationally. Cynthia is past president of the CSU Faculty Development Council and currently serves as consultant in Teaching and Learning to the 23 Faculty Development directors in the CSU System. She earned her BA, MA, and EdD at UCLA.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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