Deb Mateik
Deb Mateik is an instructional designer with the Division of Information Technology Learning Technologies group at the University of Maryland. She specializes in helping faculty redesign their courses for flipped, blended or fully online environments. Deb is also the instructor for the three-credit Undergraduate Technology Apprentice Program (UTAP) taught in a blended format each Fall. She coordinates the annual Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference at the University of Maryland, which showcases the accomplishments of College Park faculty innovation in pedagogy and attracts attendees from the University, regional colleges, and members of the K-12 community. Most recently, Deb has been a part of an instructional design team that is reinventing how instructional design training should be delivered to cohorts of faculty. A Phi Kappa Phi graduate of James Madison University, Deb has been with the University of Maryland for more than 35 years.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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