In February 2008, Ed Klonoski was named president of Charter Oak State College. The College, created by the Connecticut Legislature in 1973, assists adult learners in achieving their educational goals. Charter Oak's academic program is offered online to 4,000 students across Connecticut and the nation, with approximately 500 new Bachelors degree conferred each year. Previously, Klonoski was President of the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, a collaborative effort by 50 Connecticut institutions of learning to deliver high quality, web-based education. From Course Management System applications, to pedagogy, student services, and institutional research, Klonoski has facilitated the Consortium's online innovations. In 2004, the CTDLC received an Education Excellence Award from the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE). Klonoski currently services as the Chair of the Presidents' Forum, a collaboration of accredited, national, adult-serving institutions and programs which have embraced the power and potential of online education, and he is also the chair of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education, a collaboration of the public and private higher education institutions in the Greater Hartford area.EDUCAUSE Publications
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