Edward Gomes
Edward D Gomes Jr. is currently the senior associate dean for Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Office of Technology Services (TTS) at Duke University. Reporting to the dean of faculty of Arts & Science & Trinity College, Ed oversees information technology planning, services, resource allocation and integration for 70+ departments, programs and institutes. Ed was project manager for the Link Teaching and Learning Center, which opened in lower level one of Perkins Library on August 11, 2008. Since coming to Duke in 1986, he has served as Head of Information for the Duke University Libraries, systems programmer for the Duke General Clinical Research Center in Duke University Medical Center, and held research positions in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Psychology. Ed currently chairs the Duke eLearning Roadmap Committee and University Software License Committee while serving on many other campus wide committees. Ed also implemented of one of the first Duke University surplus computer donation programs supporting Durham public schools and non-profits. He also serves as a member of the Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Learning Spaces Collaboratory Advisory Committee. Among his non-academic pursuits, Ed serves as member of the board of directors for the St. Joseph’s Historic Foundation in Durham (sponsor of the Bull Durham Blues Festival) and the African American Dance Ensemble. He also previously co-hosted a Sunday evening jazz radio program on WNCU with his wife Lois Deloatch, who is Vice-Chancellor for Institutional Advancement at North Caroline Central University. Ed is a 1985 graduate of Bridgewater State College (BS, physics) in Bridgewater, MA.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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