Elizabeth Taylor (Liz) is the Deputy Chief Information Officer at the University of Arizona. Working with a staff of over 300 IT professionals in University Information Technology Services, and another 500 campus-wide, she:
Provides leadership, direction, coordination, and planning to any of the three major units in UITS depending on the current focus and requirements.
Coordinates and directs the development of the University's Information Technology Strategic Plan.
Is responsible for initiatives to execute the Strategic Plan goals and objectives.
Develops strong connections, collaborations, and partnerships with various IT groups within the University community such as Dean's Information Technology Council, Network Managers, various college and departmental IT advisory groups, and other governance committees. She strengthens relationships with these groups to develop a well coordinated Information Technology vision and integrates strategic goals with tactical efforts.
Is responsible for issues affecting compliance with current and emerging federal, state, and local regulations in voice and data communications, information security and privacy, eCommerce and bank card transactions, electronic records retention, and other IT functions.
Directs the coordination of all audit issues. Acts as the point of contact with oversight groups and audit agencies. Prepares audit responses and audit plans to address any noted deficiencies and directs the implementation of these audit plans.
Directs all aspects of campus-wide IT project planning and facilitates the communication of project status to clients and other stakeholders.
Leads, oversees, and directs the UITS executive team and managers in IT policy development and for procedures and business processes to support the Information Technology organization.
Works closely with University Information Security Officer to create a robust security operations infrastructure and a security conscious culture.
Is directly responsible for all aspects of financial management for UITS.
Liz has worked at the University of Arizona for nearly 20 years in a broad array of Information Technology services. She received her MIS degree from Purdue University.