Ellen Wagner is an ed tech innovator, analyst and advisor. Her experiences range from tenured research professor, department chair and administrator in academic affairs and continuing eduction, to successful tech entrepreneur, with three exits. She has served as a senior executive in five commercial software companies, including Adobe Systems. These experiences helped inform her role as Vice President of Technology for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, as she led their community of practice membership association, WCET. At WCET, she co-founded the Predictive Analytics Reporting (PAR) Framework, a predictive analytics research effort funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. PAR launched as an independent non-profit service provider, and was shortly thereafter acquired by Hobsons and became part of the commercial product known as Starfish Retention Solutions. Proceeds from this sale established and funded the Foundation for Student Success.
Ellen is currently managing partner of North Coast EduVisory Services, LLC, where she advises and supports digital transformation and emerging technology product development. She is an affiliated researcher with the Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Laboratory, Institute for Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida. She serves on the editorial board of eLearn Magazine, and is a reviewer for several juried journals in the fields of learning tech, elearning and online learning. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Kirwan Innovation Center of the University System of Maryland, as well as the Global Advisory Board for OEB (Online Educa Berlin).
EDUCAUSE Publications
Higher education IT professionals must navigate rapid innovation, competition, and frequent corporate restructuring in the commercial technology sector to ensure the continuity of the systems and services at their institutions.
Learning engineering has the potential to create new opportunities for learning and technology stakeholders that drive greater value and results, ultimately improving student success.
Learning engineering can be framed as the application of engineering design methodologies in developing learning technologies and infrastructures.