Eric Bird
Eric Bird is Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at Road Scholar, the non-profit world leader in lifelong learning programs. Previously, he served for eight years as VP for Technology and CIO at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. He has over twenty years of experience working in technology, all of it in higher education and non-profits. In addition, Eric is active within EDUCAUSE and NERCOMP, having previously served on the EDUCAUSE Quarterly editorial board and professional development advisory committee as well as the NERCOMP annual conference program committee. After co-chairing the EDUCAUSE administrative systems management constituent group for several years, he formed and co-chaired the EDUCAUSE professional development constituent group, and served as a member of the EDUCAUSE Institute Management Program faculty from 2011 through 2013. Eric holds a BA from Yale University and a Masters Degree in Public Policy from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.EDUCAUSE Publications
EDUCAUSE Presentations
EDUCAUSE Involvement
NERCOMP 2012 Program Committee
Institute Management (Winter) Program Faculty
NERCOMP 2011 Program Committee
Professional Development Committee
Recognition Committee
NERCOMP 2010 Program Committee
NERCOMP 2009 Program Committee
Community Group Leaders
EDUCAUSE Quarterly Editorial Committees