Eric Hawley


Eric Hawley is the Chief information Officer and Associate Vice President for Information Technology at Utah State University (USU) and an Adjunct Professor in the Huntsman College of Business. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education, a Business Masters degree, and a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering. Dr. Hawley's focus over the last six years has been a strategic and comprehensive restructuring of all information systems, services and policies focusing on better use of technology to meet needs. This effort has created a successful unified approach to a broad range of information systems and services. For these efforts Eric was recognized as the 2013 SearchCIO Enterprise IT Leader of the Year, among other awards. In addition to his executive roles, he enjoys teaching IT strategy, technology, e-commerce, and financial topics, and is often asked to present locally and nationally. He prefers being known simply as Eric, a happy father of five, who just happens to be able to explain a lot of acronyms.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Brain-Numbingly Strategic
    • Article
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    As I write this, my IT department is struggling with a possible known defect in a critical piece of software that directly affects the customer experience.

  • Finding an Enterprise Solution for Distributed Research
    • Article
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    Utah State University invested in university-wide licensure of a research survey platform to enhance its collective knowledge base rather than supporting various software programs of varying capabilities in multiple departments.