Eric Mosterd
Mr. Mosterd is the Assistant Director for the Center for Teaching & Learning, and also serves as the TechFellows Program Manager for the University of South Dakota. He is also an adjunct instructor for the Department of Music at USD, where he teaches Western music history and Jazz history. Additionally, he serves as the Regents Fellow for e-Education Initiatives with the South Dakota Board of Regents, the governing body of the public universities of the state of South Dakota. Mr. Mosterd has a Master of Music degree in Musicology, Saxophone & Jazz Studies (2004), a Master of Arts degree in Computer Science (2001), and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science & German (1999) from USD. He is an active researcher in these fields, specializing in the use of technology in pedagogical settings, especially in music.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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EDUCAUSE Involvement
Horizon Expert Panel - TL