15-in-20: Twenty Years of Higher Ed IT [video]
EDUCAUSE members identify the fifteen most significant moments in higher education IT over the last twenty years.
Eric is a native of Northern California and now resides in University Park, Maryland. Eric has a bachelor degree in accounting from BYU, a masters degree in information systems from BYU, and a Ph.D in Information Systems from Michigan State University where he was the Coopers & Lybrand Doctoral Scholar. Eric worked for Ernst & Young, Price Waterhouse, and Coopers & Lybrand as a consultant. He was the Deloitte-Touche Faculty Fellow and associate professor of information systems at BYU''s Marriott School of Management. After leaving academe he was chief information officer for Times Mirror Corporation, for BYU, and for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints over a 12-year period. He was also Chief Operating Officer of The RBL Group (www.rbl.net) and SVP, Global Operations and Process Design at Ascent Media. He returned to academe as Chief Information Officer for The University of Utah and the Utah System of Higher Education before joining the University of Maryland. He is also Vice-Chair of the Kuali Foundation (www.kuali.org). Eric has served as a consultant to many organizations and is an experienced presenter at conferences, seminars, and symposia around the world. He has been a research associate with The Research Board (www.researchboard.com). Eric is an advisor and on the board of directors of several organizations. In 2016 Eric was elected to the Edcause Board of Directors. He has written five books and several scholarly and professional articles on the strategic use of information technology and has spoken or taught at conferences and universities around the world. He loves to hike, ski, garden, take long walks with his wife, sing with his wife, remodel homes, and be with family. Eric's expertise includes business event systems architecture, strategic planning using five simple questions, change management, organizing the CIO function, and higher education.
EDUCAUSE members identify the fifteen most significant moments in higher education IT over the last twenty years.
Higher education must avoid the déjà vu of repeating the system implementation mistakes from years past.
One of the more enjoyable experiences for every CIO is helping the executive leadership of any organization understand the value of its investment in information technology.