Eric Wedin is a retired Detective of the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office where he served his community for over 18 years. Eric has worked directly in the discipline of cyber criminal investigations for the past 7 years. Eric has over 500 hours of digital forensic investigative training. He holds a certification from the International Association of Computer Forensic Examiners (IACIS Certified Forensic Computer Examiner), Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst), and The USSS National Computer Forensic Institute (NITRO Network Intrusion Response Program). Eric has been a certification coach for IACIS since 2017. He was a member of the Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, The Sexual Assault Response Team, the Child Abduction Response Team, the United States Secret Service Cyber/Fraud Task Force, and the commander of the United States Secret Service Tampa Field Office Network Intrusion Team. Eric has investigated hundreds of cases involving cyber stalking, cyber fraud, cyber related insider threat investigations, ransomware investigations, and business email compromise investigations. Upon retirement, Eric joined Pondurance as a senior digital forensics and incident response consultant.