Fredric M. Litto is originally from New York City, received a B.A. from UCLA in 1960 and a Ph.D. from Indiana University in 1969. He taught at Bowdoin College and the University of Kansas before joining the staff of the School of Communications at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where he has taught since 1971. He was an early user of computers in humanistic research, producing in 1968 a computer-oriented book published by the Kent State University Press, offering a bibliography of over 5,000 U.S. doctoral dissertations on subjects related to theatre arts from 1865 to 1965. He recently began a Brazilian-version of the Campus Computing Report, and serves on the editorial boards of several learned journals such as the American Journal of Distance Education, the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, and Advanced Technology and Learning. In 1989 he founded the "School of the Future" of the University of Sao Paulo, interdisciplinary laboratory investigating the new communications technologies ( ) which he continues to direct, and in 1985 de helped found the Brazilian Association for Distance Education ( ), which he has serv ed as president since that date.