Managing Risk and Exploiting Opportunity
The role of the Chief Information Officer continues to transform and evolve, often heading in surprising directions.
H. David Lambert was named President & CEO of Internet2 on July 13, 2010. Prior to his appointment as Internet2 CEO, Lambert served as Vice President for Information Services and Chief Information Officer at Georgetown University. He held the position at Georgetown for 12 years and Holding the VP/CIO position since early 1998, Lambert successfully moved the university forward in the strategic application of information technology across a wide range of university programs and services. His leadership efforts focused on deployment of an advanced technology infrastructure, modern information systems, and responsive technology support services.
Prior to coming to Georgetown University, he served as the Vice President for Information Technology at Cornell University. Lambert has also held several technical and leadership positions at Indiana University, Bloomington. Mr. Lambert's background includes a B.A. in Political Science from West Virginia University (1971) and doctoral studies in Political Science at Indiana University, Bloomington (1972-1976). He also holds the Professional Manager Certificate from Indiana University's Graduate School of Business.
Lambert has held a number of leadership positions in higher education technology associations, including service as Board Chairman of the New York State Research and Education Network (NYSERNet), and as a Trustee, representing Georgetown University, on the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA). He currently serves on the board of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO).
The role of the Chief Information Officer continues to transform and evolve, often heading in surprising directions.
Technology has become one of the most appreciated and most scrutinized investments in higher education. With the institutional resources shrinking and the costs rising, information technology (IT) organizations are being asked to do more with less.