Helen Chu


A Fellow of the EDUCAUSE/CLIR Leading Change Leadership Institute, Helen is the Assistant Vice Provost of Learning Spaces and Support at Stanford University. She leads the Stanford Classrooms Reimagined project, charged by the University to develop a master plan for classrooms and informal learning spaces to inform learning space planning and design for the next decade. Together with her team, she leads the User Support Services, Audio Visual Design & Engineering, Classroom Design and Innovation, Technical Operations, The Hub technology help desk, the create:space maker space. 

Helen is a National Academies Education Fellow and continues to participate in strategic planning with the Mobile Science Institute and advocate for evidence-based and inclusive teaching practices and active teaching and learning. She completed the AAC&U Institute on Digital Equity.

As the Chief Academic Technology Officer at the University of Oregon, Helen played a critical campus leadership role in academic technology strategy, setting direction, advocating for, and supporting pedagogically-sound, effective, and sustainable academic technologies, and explore new applications of technology to support teaching, learning, and research. As the Associate Dean of Libraries, she provided leadership for the Libraries’ systems and digital scholarship programs and services through managerial leadership of the Center for Media and Educational Technologies, Library Technology Services, Digital Scholarship Services, and Data Services.

A founding member of the Provost's Teaching Academy and member of the Board, she also co-hosted the annual Summer Teaching Institute along with the Office of the Provost, the Science Literacy Program, and the Division of Undergraduate Studies. Service to the University also includes the Faculty Advisory Committee, the Committee on Academic Infrastructure, the Student Success Advisory Council, IT Steering Committee, and strategic planning committees. Helen chaired the newly formed Academic Technology Advisory Group.  

Prior to joining the University of Oregon Libraries, Helen worked at UO Information Services, Columbia University in the City of New York, UCLA, and California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo. She has experience in managing educational technology services, broadcast and media services, classroom technologies design and engineering, help desk, hardware repair shop, campus software site licensing, instructional and open access computer labs, web development, digital scholarship, and institutional repositories.

An active member of EDUCAUSE, she has served as a faculty member on the EDUCAUSE Institute Management Program, a Council Member of the Senior Directors Seminar, and currently serves on the advisory board for Leading Academic Transformation. Helen is also a fellow of the CLIR/EDUCAUSE Leading Change Institute, an alumna of the Harvard Institute for Management and Leadership in Education, an American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholar, and a Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Kaleidoscope Scholar, and a recipient of the EDUCAUSE/CLIR Patricia Battin scholarship and the Estate of Elizabeth D. Meier Scholarship. She also served as an advisor to the Center for Higher Education Chief Information Officer Studies (CHECS) Board. Helen has a background in 19th and 20th Century French Literature and earned a bachelors and masters from UCLA in French. During her graduate years, she integrated technology in French language teaching and served as an instructional technologist during the first deployment of the learning management system at an American university.

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