Jackie Slaton


Jackie Slaton serves as Assistant Director of Learning Community Development (LCD) in Georgia State’s Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Online Education (CETLOE). In CETLOE, Jackie has the privilege of curating digital leadership initiatives that prepare GSU students for success in the 21st-century workplace by increasing their digital, professional, and leadership skills while introducing them to with industry leaders. As a member of the CETLOE leadership team, Jackie collaborates with administrators, professors, and GSU staff to provide innovative and award-winning programs that serve students at both the downtown and PC campuses. She is a member of the CETLOE Strategic Planning Committee as well as the CETLOE DEI Leadership Team. Recently, Jackie was selected to join the 2023 EDUCAUSE CourseGateway Product Advisory Board and looks forward to joining an amazing community of higher education professionals and collaborate to build awareness and adopting high-quality, equitably designed courseware that improves student outcomes.

Jackie holds a BA in International Relations from Wesleyan College and a MPA from the Andrew Young School Policy and is currently a doctoral candidate in the College of Education and Human Development, seeking an Ed.D in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Higher Education.

Digital Learners to Leaders

EDUCAUSE Presentations