Jake Hirsch-Allen


Jake Hirsch-Allen builds public private partnerships between North America’s governments, workforce development organizations, colleges and universities, and LinkedIn Talent Solutions. Through this work, Jake supports and is learning to be an ally to groups such as newcomers and refugees, indigenous populations, the formerly incarcerated and people with disabilities. 

Jake advises several startups including FutureFit AI, Hireguide and Readocracy. He speaks regularly on the changing nature or future of work and learning and is passionate about skills-based hiring and learning. 

Jake is a Director on the Boards of the Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity, Information and Communications Technology Council, and the Canadian Club. He founded Lighthouse Labs, Canada’s foremost software development bootcamp and Hacking Health. A former intellectual property and international criminal lawyer, Jake was also Chair of the Technology Committee of the Global Education Platform, taught Global Health at McMaster University and clerked at the Supreme Court of Israel.