Dr. Jay Brophy is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Central Florida. Jay studied at Stetson University where he received his BA and earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from Vanderbilt in 1969 in Learning Theory and Physiological Psychology. He came to UCF in 1969 planning to stay for two years and stayed for 36.
During Jays 36-year career at UCF, he has been instrumental in bringing innovative technology into the classroom. He has been involved with Course Development and Web Services at UCF since its inception. An early user of WebCT, he has offered courses in traditional, hybrid-reduced seat time, and fully Web-based courses since 1996. During the last five years Jay has been teaching large sections (400+ students) of General and Physiological Psychology with a heavy emphasis on web enhanced instruction. Jay has earned numerous teaching awards, and is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow with the UCF Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning.