Jay Killion is the Assistant Director of Academic Computing, Project Management, Business Analysis, and API at the University of Nebraska Omaha. His role is to apply performance and project management techniques to strategically implement information and instructional technologies that further the goals of the university. Jay has worked as a consultant for companies such as T-Mobile and Conair. Jay has also spent more than eight years supporting the University of Nebraska system. During his tenure, he has worked on many campus and university-wide projects. He helped coordinate the change management and user support activities surrounding the University's SAP R/3 implementation, including the development of an Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS). He was a project manager for the University's SAP 4.6C upgrade and Employee Self-Service initiates. Recently, Jay managed a new team dedicated to the support of instructional technology. He has partnered with campus entities, such as Faculty Development, Distance Education, the Library, and the College of Education, to provide consolidated performance improvement programs for faculty and staff. His team has helped the campus implement many new instructional tools, including clickers, electronic portfolios, and podcasting. Currently, he is helping develop a project management office in support of the universitys student information system project. Jay earned a B.A. in English (1995) and a M.A. in English (1998) with a multimedia development emphasis from the University of South Dakota.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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