Jesse O'Neil


Throughout my years of experience as a teacher, I've noticed one common barrier to individuals being successful in their academic careers. And I'll give you a hint, it is never their ability to learn or their willingness to gain knowledge. It is almost always their awareness of the support that they have available to them.

This is why I'm so passionate about my work at QuadC.

At QuadC, we know that you have people who are willing to help mentor and people who need mentoring, but what you need is something more effective to connect these groups of people together. This is our time to help you shine.

We can help you connect mentors to mentees (yes, it's a word, I just made it up) more effectively by:

- Expanding learning opportunities through innovative learning tools.
- Giving mentees the power to easily find the right mentor for them.
- Empowering mentors to set their own schedule.
- Creating more transparency in the mentor/mentee relationship.
- Allowing administrators to fully control the entire learning process and environment.

Oh, and by the way, the next time we link up - ask me anything about coffee. It's my favorite subject, and I'm sure I could teach you a thing or two about the world's most popular hot beverage.