Joanna DiPasquale


Eighteen years experience in libraries, higher education, and information technology, with a focus on digital librarianship and digital scholarship.  Interests in leadership and academic library development that incorporates a plurality of voices and fosters an environment of collaboration and collegiality.  

Lead a department of three professionals and oversee digital lab in order to create, develop, enhance, implement, and assess digital scholarship, digital library, and library technology projects.  Identify and develop digital projects, technological resources, physical and virtual spaces, and training opportunities that address emerging needs across disciplines.  Manage budget and endowment funds for department. Work collaboratively with faculty and partners across campus to bring digital scholarship to fruition.  Oversee management of library-wide systems such as Islandora + Fedora, Digital Commons, Veridian, SpringShare, and Innovative Interfaces.  Member of management team and library planning group, as well as active member of internal committees and external statewide and national initiatives.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • The Leading Change Institute Catalyzes Action That Supports Value and Relevance
    • Blog
    • Author

    Attending the Leading Change Institute taught this participant multiple lessons that she took back to her own campus, where she challenged herself to view projects and initiatives through the lenses of value, relevance, and compassion, identifying ways to reach out and make substantive differences.

EDUCAUSE Presentations