Jonathan B. Hardy currently serves as the Deputy Chief Information Officer at Villanova University, where he has partnered to develop an IT Strategic Plan that aligns with the existing “Rooted. Restless.” Campus Strategic Plan and the forthcoming Facilities Campus Master Plan. His role focuses on building out more inclusive hiring processes, streamlining the intake/classification/management of support and project work, creating governance structures and communication strategies surrounding campus initiatives, and moving the culture of the IT organization towards more proactive and user-experience focused approach to technology evaluation/deployment/support.
Jonathan most recently served as an IT Director at the University of Georgia. During his tenure there, he has served in several roles including desktop support, web development, classroom technologies, systems administration, and leadership. He holds multiple certifications from HDI, ITIL, SANS institute, and Microsoft. Key leadership competencies revolve around: mentorship, culture change, process improvement, change management, service delivery lifecycle, performance coaching, operational efficiencies through automation and R&D, customer service, and employee development strategies.
Jonathan was a co-founder for the Anti-Racism in Academia (ARiA) program. The ARiA series was created to inspire a more understanding and inclusive community in higher education by engaging professionals of all levels and across disciplines.
Jonathan was a co-founder and co-lead for the Young Professionals Constituent Group at EDUCAUSE. This constituent group provides a forum for open dialogue, collaboration, and engagement around topics of interest to young professionals including recruitment, retention, EDUCUASE offerings, workforce diversification, mentoring, and professional advancement.
Jonathan was a founding member of the EDUCAUSE Young Professionals Advisory Council. This council is made up of younger professionals and emerging leaders in the EDUCAUSE community, advising the EDUCAUSE president and CEO on issues and opportunities relevant to this crucial demographic.