Josh Gaul


Joshua Gaul is an innovator, designer, strategist, and recognized leader in educational technology and instructional design. With almost 20 years of higher education experience successfully leading the digital transformation of higher education through organizational change, emerging technologies that support various modes of pedagogy and andragogy, Josh is the consummate chief digital learning officer. He is a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies, and his background, experience, advanced degrees in digital communications, alternative pedagogies, and passion for learning all combine to bring Edge member institutions the thought leadership, inspiration, and confidence to deploy innovative teaching and learning paradigms that result in higher student persistence, program growth, faculty development, and ultimate student success. He is currently a doctoral student at Wilmington University in Organizational Learning, Leadership, and Innovation, with research focused on change management methodologies and their application to learning management system adoptions and migrations in higher education online and digital learning departments.