Julie Ouska became the CIO / Vice President, Information Technologies for the Colorado Community College System in October 2007. CCCS-IT provides enterprise technology to 13 community colleges with 35 campuses, 8,000 employees and 141,000 students throughout Colorado. Prior to CCCS, she was a General Manager for SunGardHE Managed Services. Previously she was CIO/VP for Administration and Information Technology at Mercy College in New York. Julie served as a member of the EDUCAUSE 2012 Program Committee and has served on the Educause Nominating Committee and Proposal Review Committee. She makes her home in Elizabeth, CO, and in her spare time raises Morgan horses and Whippets.
EDUCAUSE Publications
IT centralized across a system makes IT governance critical, as decisions can have far-reaching impact. The Colorado Community College System recently redesigned its centralized IT governance to create more open, transparent project review and approval processes that include and benefit from stakeholders at all system levels.
Using the multi-entity processing (MEP) model let the Colorado Community College System transform 13 instances of ERP at its individual community colleges into a single installation.
EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 44, no.4 (July/August 2009): 20“35