Karin Steinbrenner


Personal Highlights Associate Provost and CIO for Information & Technology Services At UNC Charlotte since September 2001 Mission Enable teaching, learning, effective decision making, and efficient processes by providing access to online information and services all University stake holders. Strategies Develop highly motivated and effective IT staff where each individual enjoys to work as part of a team and is recognized for her/his contribution. Align IT's strategic plan with that of the University, and promote tools that meet the University's goals. Promote an integrated, standard driven, flexible Information Technology infrastructure that allows for adaptation of new technologies. Promote systems that improve University core processes and knowledge management. Implement online, individualized access to University services and information - portal. Facilitate a federated approach toward the management of Information Technology. Provide all UNC Charlotte constituents with access to timely and accurate information. Facilitate ease of access to and sharing of all types of information Professional History Technical Director, SPSS, Chicago IL Director Data Processing, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Director Data Processing, Midwest Technical Institute, Wisconsin Rapids, WI Director Computing Services, Framingham State College , Framingham, MA Executive Director University Information Technologies, Villanova University, Villanova, PA Associate Provost & CIO Information technology Services, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC Highest Degree Master of Arts in Business Administration, Framingham State College, 1987 PUBLICATIONS - PRESENTATIONS Books: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. 1975 New York Mc Graw Hill, (with others) SPSS Conversational Statistical System, Preliminary User Manual (with others) Papers: 'Data Base and Program Compatibility for Statistical Analysis Packages', ACM Conference, New York, 1973 'The Data Transformation Language in SCSS', University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1973 'Definition of an Interchange File for Statistical Analysis Packages', NBER Workshop, New York, 1974 'Language Specifications for SCSS', FIPS DPI Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 1974 'Status of SCSS', SHARE, San Francisco, 1976 'Automation of Instrument Design, Coding, Data Entry, Data Cleaning, and Codebook Generation', ACM SIGSOC Bulletin , 1976 'Data Base Considerations for large and complex Social Science Data Files', ICPSR Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, 1978 'Data Processing and Data Base Considerations for the new NLS Cohort' ASA Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1978 'Access to Public Research Datasets' (with James Coleman (UofC) and A.Walaszek), November 1979. 'Reader of Machine Readable Data' by John D. White Book Review, 1981 'Software Evaluation, Selection, Implementation, and Application Development in an Institution of Higher Education' NCR CINCOM User Conference, 1985 'A UNIX based Computing Infrastructure ' Massachusetts Higher Education Computing Conference, June 1989 'Planning for Integration' CAUSE/EFFECT Vol 13 No 2, Summer 1990 'Buy or Develop' Annual INGRES World Conference, May 1991 'Knowledge-based Reengineering' CAUSE/EFFECT Vol 15 No 2 Summer 1992 'The Role of IT in Business Process Reengineering' EERS Conference, Bryn Mawr College, Summer 1994 'The Information Technology Infrastructure and its Impact on the Institution' ACPA Convention, Boston March 1995 CN I- Institution Wide Information Strategies: Spring 1998 Thin Clients, EDUCAUSE ETC, September 2000 - http://www.educause.edu/etcom/ Leveraging ERPs with Portals, May 2001, CUMREC Phoenix, AR Portals, EDUCAUSE ETC, October 2001 IT Metrics, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce- ITC, Fall 2002 Managing without Authority, Seminar Educause 2002 'The Information Architecture Imperative', ECAR Research Bulletin, January 2003 Creating Synergies: Merging the Faculty Center for Teaching and the Center for Instructional Technology into a Faculty Center for Teaching and E-Learning, May 2003, East Cost WebCT Conference OTHER: Consulting: IT evaluation and plan for West Chester University 1996 Beta Test site for Campus Pipeline 1999 SUN SCT Center for Excellence 2000 VU was ranked twice in the top 100 University's by Yahoo Served on EDUCAUSE 'Evolving Technologies' committee 1999, 2000 Consulting: St Thomas University, St Paul, MN: IT audit, plan, fall 1999 Nacubo-Educause Forum Participation 2001, 2002, 2003

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Bridging the Divide: Combining Faculty Centers and Instructional Support
    • Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
    • Author

    This research bulletin explores a new approach to faculty support for technology. The University of North Carolina Charlotte has combined a teaching center with instructional technology support into a single support unit that reports to the central information technology (IT) organization.

  • Doing More with Less: Obstacle or Opportunity for IT?
    • Article
    • Author

    Technology has become one of the most appreciated and most scrutinized investments in higher education. With the institutional resources shrinking and the costs rising, information technology (IT) organizations are being asked to do more with less.

  • The Information Architecture Imperative
    • Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
    • Author

    Many tools are available for information management. These technologies will not be successful, however, at managing the full range of an institution's information--such as administrative data, images, documents, and Web pages--without an overarching information architecture.

EDUCAUSE Presentations