Kathleen Fitzpatrick is Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University. Prior to assuming this role in 2017, she served as Associate Executive Director and Director of Scholarly Communication of the Modern Language Association. She is author of Generous Thinking: The University and the Public Good (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy (NYU Press, 2011) and The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television (Vanderbilt University Press, 2006). She is project director of Humanities Commons, an open-access, open-source network serving more than 17,500 scholars and practitioners in the humanities.
EDUCAUSE Publications
Rebuilding a relationship of trust between higher education institutions and the public they serve—and ensuring the sustainability of higher education itself—requires that we focus our practices and our modes of communicating around building solidarity and community both on campus and across campuses.