Kathryn Coleman


Kathryn Coleman is a Lecturer (Cloud Learning) and Project Manager at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. Kate is an active Board member of the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence Based Learning (AAEEBL) and Director of AAEEBL’s International Reference Group and Conference Committee Member. Her research specifically focuses on the use of digital portfolios, open badges and digital learning spaces in education and the arts for life long and life wide learning. She has many years of experience teaching both secondary and higher art and design education. The working title of her thesis is Developing a Professional and Credentialed Digital Presence in art education: Creativity, Artistic Identity, Digital Badges and Portfolios. Kate has been investigating the integration of digital learning spaces, portfolios and peer and self-assessment in the artworld through research projects, book publications and presentations. About.me http://about.me/kate.coleman/# Twitter: @kateycoleman