Kenny has been the Director of Emerging Technologies at Wellesley College since March 2011. He supervises investigations of innovative technologies and their applicability for use at Wellesley. He selects technologies with the most promise and create pilot projects for possible mainstreaming throughout the college. Examples include: * Led team to create an alternative LMS from Google Apps Designed highly successful Google LMS Sites template now used by thirty percent of Wellesley courses. * Led team piloting and then substantially expanding use of interactive whiteboards. * Directed project to create iOS app for botany data collection. * Developed presentations for Learning and Teaching Center on Google Apps in Teaching, Flipping the Classroom, and Opening the Classroom through Videoconferencing and Desktop Video Tools. Kenny was the Director of the Instructional Technology group at Wellesley College from 1997-2011, providing leadership and planning for instructional projects. He directed a staff whose responsibilities included instructional use of Wellesley's collaboration and course management system, media services and classroom equipment. He played a major role in creating Wellesley's first web server in early 1994. In 2000, he developed Wellesley's print e-reserves system. In 2004, he expanded the system to include music and spoken language material and added video e-reserves in 2008. In 2006, he launched Wellesley's iTunes U project, and convinced Apple to begin featuring Wellesley's content in the iTunes Store in 2008. Kenny supervised groups ranging from eight to eighteen staff members. Kenny has a special interest in digital audio. In 2006, he co-taught Music 276 (From Cylinders to CDs to Cyberspace: American Popular Music and Technology) with Assistant Professor Tamar Barzel. Kenny received his undergraduate degree from Harvard in 1983. He has been at Wellesley since 1990.
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