Kenneth Warren
Kenneth Warren currently serves as an Assistant Professor and Instructional Technologist for Medical Education at VCU School of Medicine. He leads the development and coordination of the School's iTeach initiative (go.vcu.edu/iteach) which provides online faculty development resources to medical educators on and off campus. Additionally, he teaches graduate courses in the School's TiME Faculty Fellows program and consults with faculty on the effective integration of instructional technology. With more than 15 years of experience producing narratives across new and social media, his interests align at the intersection of adult education, e-portfolios, mobile technology, and multicultural issues that pertain to web identity and digital equity. He received an Ed.D. and M.Ed. in Instructional Technology from the University of Virginia and a BFA in Kinetic Imaging from Virginia Commonwealth University. Prior to joining VCU, he served as an academic technology consultant at the University of Richmond where he created and led its University-wide digital storytelling program to promote IT fluency among faculty and students.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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