Ken Yoshioka


Ken Yoshioka joined the Center for Instruction and Technology (CIT) in 2007. Before joining the CIT, he served at USF's Information Technology Services Help Desk for 7 years, helping to develop the department from its inception. At the CIT, training and support range from university standard technologies like Banner and Google Apps for faculty and staff to multimedia like podcasting and video. Part of his role is to develop solutions that that integrate technologies like Google Apps, tablet computing, and free Open Source software into the classroom and the office. Ongoing projects include employing Google Apps in an enterprise environment and the continuing study of usage of the iPad in and out of the classroom. With the advent of the flipped classroom, he also has been encouraging faculty to try and flip a portion of a course to evaluate the value. Developing strategies, seeking out tools for screen capture and audio recording and then providing training in using these tools effectively has been an integral part of the process. At the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities 2011 CITM Conference co-presented with St. Louis university on Google Apps deployment.  Also presented in the same year at the Educause Annual conference a session on "The iPad: Implications for Higher Education".

In 2017 our group was renamed as Instructional Technology and Training and my role transitioned to Senior Instructional Technologist.  New focuses include web conferencing in the classroom for synchronous classes as well as for fully remote instruction.  Training and support for lecture capture for both online and the flipped classroom.  Provided training and support for digital storytelling and podcasting for the classroom.  Presented on "Cultivating Faculty to Capture Content" at both the DET/CHE in 2018 and Echo360 conferences in 2019.Earned a NACC badge for advanced skills in Echo360.

In 2023 presented a poster presentation at the Educause Annual Conference called "Finding Student Voices: Bringing Podcasting into the Classroom -Without the Big Budget!

In 2024 participated in two panels at the AJCU CITM conference: "Effective Strategies for Impactful Faculty and Staff Professional Development" and "I See You: Faculty Support Perspectives from Technologists and Designers".

In an increasingly technical world, the driving philosophy is to "provide a human face to technology".

EDUCAUSE Presentations