Kim White


Career Summary: 

Kim joined the CRM Services team in August 2021 after serving in various leadership roles throughout her 25 year career in Georgia Tech’s Office of Information Technology. Kim is known as a trusted, influential, and passionate IT leader who builds and leads diverse teams, who in turn deliver challenging and successful implementations that bring value to her customers. Some of her successes include expanding Georgia Tech’s Salesforce footprint (Service Cloud with Student Success Hub, Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud), building a central IT PPMO practice; replacing legacy LMS with Canvas. Kim is a member of the USG Project Management Constituency Group where she served as Chair in 2021-22 and Co-Chair in 2020-21.

Education and Training:

*Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University.       Thesis: "N-Channel LDD Transistor Characterization as a Function of Gate Geometry" 

*Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, Prairie View A&M University

*Kennesaw State University; Completed 11 credit hours of MBA course work

Continuing Education

*MOR Associates, Information Technology Management Program (2016-17 Cohort)

*ITIL Certification

*SCRUM Master Certification

*Georgia Institute of Technology, Masters Series Executive Development Program Graduate

*Georgia Institute of Technology, Management Development Program

*Georgia Institute of Technology, Information Technology Management Partnership

*Software Engineering Institute, Introduction to Software Capability Maturity Model

EDUCAUSE Presentations