LeAnn Erickson


LeAnn Erickson is Associate Professor of film and video production at Temple University in the Department of Film and Media Arts and has been an independent video/filmmaker for over 20 years. She is a recipient of regional and national production grants and is currently completing work on Top Secret Rosies:The Female ‘Computers’ of WWII, a feature length historical documentary. Erickson's work has appeared on public television, in galleries, and has won national recognition in video/film festivals. Titles include hours, minutes, seconds, frame, essential things, and From One Place to Another: Emma Goldman Clinic Stories. Her recent animation work has screened internationally including the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, the Auburn International Film Festival in Sydney, and the 11th Feminale in Cologne, Germany. She was awarded the 2003 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship for Media Arts. Read more about Professor Erickson at http://astro.temple.edu/~lerickso/.

EDUCAUSE Presentations