Lee Ann Gillen
I have been a project manager, instructional designer, technical writer, course instructor, textbook contributor (Clinical Chemistry), and workshop presenter throughout my varied career. I and a faculty member were nominated for the Gertrude M. Cox Award in 2009 for œinnovative excellence in teaching & learning with technology for a Spanish II class, and I was also the project manager and instructional designer for the winner that year, for a course in Food Science. I have given numerous workshops through the years on many topics, but most recently on œWeb 2.0: Uses in Teaching and Learning,which I have presented multiple times over the past few years as part of the NCSUs Workshops & Seminars series. I am also the Manager for the IDEA Grants program at NCSU, which supports faculty with funds and in-depth support for putting courses online for the distance education program. One of our special interests is developing online courses, which have a lab component. We have developed all or part of 14 different courses with labs over the last several years. I have a science background, which has helped in the development of online labs. I have a B.S.M.T. in Medical Technology and was board certified in Hematology. I have two M.S. degrees. The first in 1975 in Plant Physiology, and for my research, I received the œOutstanding Graduate Research Paper award from my professional society. My second degree came in 2007 in Technical Communication where I received the NCSU/CHASS Graduate Research Award. I was also inducted into Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society in 2006. While the Education Director for the School of Medical Technology in Raleigh (1978-83), I was the recipient of a Burroughs-Wellcome Fund research grant for the development of audiovisual instructional media (using 35mm slides and a Kodak Caramate!). From last three years: 2009 - 2012 Presentations (1) 28th Annual Conf. on Distance Teaching & Learning, Madison, WI Putting Science Labs Online for Distance Education: Challenges and Solutions Lee Ann Gillen and Cleo Magnuson (2) 2012 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – Greensboro, NC Putting Science Labs Online for Distance Education: Five Case Studies - Lee Ann Gillen and Cleo Magnuson (3) 27th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning (2011) Integration of Google Apps and Maps in interactive learning - Lee Ann Gillen (4) 2011 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – Greensboro, NC Integration of Google Apps and Maps to Support Experiential Learning - Lee Ann Gillen and John Classen Workshops: 5) Google Apps and Maps for Use in Blended and Online Courses, August 2012 - 28th Annual Conf. on Distance Teaching & Learning, Madison, WI 6) Using Rubrics for Assessing Group Work – September 2011, August 2012 Lee Ann Gillen and Yiling Chappelow 7) NC State Course Use of Google Apps and Maps to Support Experiential Learning – May 2011 Lee Ann Gillen 8) Instructional Design: Examples for Online Delivery – October 2010 Lee Ann Gillen 9) Web 2.0: Uses in Teaching and Learning – May 2010, December 2009, Oct. 2009, March 2009, Feb. 2009, Jan. 2009, Lee Ann Gillen 10) Instructional Design in Online Learning: Learning Theories, Objectives, and Outcomes – October 2009 Lee Ann GillenEDUCAUSE Presentations
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