Leslie Mojeiko


Leslie Mojeiko (pronounced Mo-jay-koh) has experience in designing, teaching, and advising in higher education for the past 15+ years. In 2010, she graduated with a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on College Student Affairs and has been working to impact student success by bridging academic and student affairs with technology and learning experience design. In 2016, she joined UFIT's Center for Instructional Technology and Training as an instructional designer and is now a senior instructional designer leading projects in flipped advising, teaching and learning, and innovative workshop design. In 2023, she chaired EDUCAUSE's Young Professionals Advisory Committee and earned the EDUCAUSE Rising Star Award. Notable EDUCAUSE contributions include:

- EDUCAUSE Young Professionals Advisory Committee Chair (2024)
- EDUCAUSE Young Professionals Advisory Committee Social Media Chair (2023)

QuickTalks, Webinars, and Podcasts
- Creating a Winning Conference Proposal
- Panelist for Strategies to Advance Women's Leadership
- Finding Flow, Rising Voices Podcast episode
- New to Higher Ed: Getting Acclimated
- Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience
- Learn More about Applying and Serving on EDUCAUSE YPAC

- Cooking Up Innovation: Crafting a Menu of AI Faculty Development Options (2024)
- Finding Your Voice in EDUCAUSE (2024)
- Why You Should Invest in Young Professionals (2024)
- Empowering Young Professionals to Thrive: Three Key Strategies for Organizational Leaders (2024)
- Canvas LTIs at UF: Finding the Right Balance for Educational Technology Adoption (2022)
- Increasing Flexibility, Equity, and Accessibility for Students and Families with Online Orientations (2020)
- Instructional Design Outside the Lines: Creatively Repurposing Technology for Holistic Student Success (2020)
- Flipped Advising: Using Technology to Transform Advising for Student Success (2018)

- Learner-Centered Advising for Student Success: Leveraging Backward Design, Collaboration, and the Learning Management System
- 3 Reasons to Go Online with New Student Orientations

- Conference Proposal Reviewer (2022-2024)
- ID2ID Program
- Young Professionals Advisory Committee (2022-2024)

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Finding Flow: Harmonizing Life and Career
    • Multimedia
    • Author

    Balancing work and life can be particularly challenging for higher education professionals now that many are working from home or in a hybrid environment. This podcast episode explores a variety of approaches and philosophies for improving work-life balance.

  • Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience
    • Multimedia
    • Author

    A student-centered approach in higher education can be promoted through the cultivation of adaptable learning environments that grant students the freedom to decide when, where, and how they learn, along with the choice of their preferred technology tools. This strategy not only simplifies the student journey but also elevates student achievement.

EDUCAUSE Presentations