With over 15 years of experience as a teacher and over 10 as an instructional designer for higher education, my passion has been creating engaging and diverse learning experiences for students and faculty. I realized I enjoy helping ANYONE reach their learning goals, so I combined my MsED with my skills in higher education, and experience as an entrepreneur and started Mobile Tech Mentor, one of my first clients was Union Graduate College which merged with Clarkson University where I am now officially a graduate instructional design specialist.
Teaching online for Buffalo State College helps me to keep the perspective of a teacher AND a student important to online learning. Although I taught there in the classroom for several years, I enjoy teaching online because I can spend more time "with" my students.
I am recognized as an Open SUNY Fellow Expert Online Instructional Designer, am a member of the MERLOT Techer Ed Board and a MERLOT Peer Reviewer Extraordinaire. I am also a certified Quality Matters Master Reviewer. I have peer reviewed and observed hundreds of online and blended course using various checklists including the QM rubric and the OSCQR.
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