Mark Milliron


Dr. Milliron is an award-winning leader, teacher, author, speaker, and consultant who has served across the K-12, higher education, philanthropy, corporate, and nonprofit spectrum over the last three decades. He comes to the NU presidency from his role as Senior Vice President at Western Governors University and Executive Dean of its School of Education—the largest college of education in the US. He also serves as Board Chair of the Trellis Foundation, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for Bennett College, and holds an appointment as a Professor of Practice in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin. In previous roles, Milliron co-founded the student-success advanced-analytics innovator Civitas Learning, served as Deputy Director for Postsecondary Success with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and led as President and CEO of the League for Innovation in the Community College.

EDUCAUSE Publications

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