Marshall Hubsher


Marshall Hubsher is a psychiatrist affiliated with the Long Island Jewish Medical Center. He is practicing medicine in Roslyn, NY. Hubsher has a MD from the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine.

This psychiatrist has 38 years of experience in using a broad range of treatments for treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Some of these include psychotherapy, medication, psychosocial interventions and many others.

When treating mental health disorders, Hubsher combines his medical, psychological, and social knowledge.

As a certified psychiatrist, Hubsher can antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, mood stabilizers, stimulants, sedatives and hypnotics to his patients.

This doctor specializes in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, insomnia, ADD and other mental illnesses.