Mary Lee
Dr. Mary Y. Lee is Associate Provost for Tufts University and the Dean for Educational Affairs at the School of Medicine. As Associate Provost, Dr. Lee is responsible for multidisciplinary educational initiatives, faculty development programs, and information technology initiatives that span Tufts seven schools: the School of Arts & Sciences; the School of Engineering; the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, and the Dental and Medical Schools (the latter including the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences). Dr. Lee provides key academic leadership for the Information Technology Council, the University Committee on Teaching and Faculty Development, and the universitys five libraries, overseeing the three main library entitiesthe University Library Council, University Library Technology Services, and Digital Collections and Archives. As Dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Lee is responsible for the centralized management and administration, and comprehensive evaluation of the medical school curriculum. She oversees the pre-clinical and clinical curriculum, working with faculty to develop innovative curricular programs and processes. Under her guidance, the medical school has achieved horizontal (within an academic year) and vertical (across years) integration of system-based course content; integration of Problem-based Learning with other courses and clerkships; standardized training for physical examination skills; and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations for fourth-year medical students. Dr. Lee has been a principal player in the development and implementation of the national award-winning Tufts University Sciences Knowledgebase (TUSK) (previously known as Tufts Health Sciences Database, see Academic Medicine 2003;78:254-264), a comprehensive, database-driven, content and information management system that combines the strengths of a digital library, curriculum delivery tools, and curriculum management for Tufts four health sciences schools. Dr. Lee is also responsible for the medical schools faculty development programs with particular interest in how to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and to improve classroom learning and clinical teaching with information technology tools. Starting in 2004, Dr. Lee has led the Tufts team in joining Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiativeEDUCAUSE Publications
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